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Adolescent Resilience Study

Dr. Kate Nooner, Principal Investigator


We have a NIH-NIAAA funded study that is recruiting now!


If you are the parent of a 12-17-year-old, please contact Dr. Nooner for more information at or



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Message to Parent(s)

The Trauma & Reslience Lab, led by Dr. Kate Nooner (PI), is conducting research that involves minors (children under 18-years-old). Since minors are not legally able to consent to be research subjects, your permission is required along with the minor’s agreement to participate. Detailed information about the research project is presented below in question and answer format. Please read this information and ensure your child understands the research activities before agreeing to participate. Thank you for your consideration of this request.

What is the Research About?

Your child is being invited to participate in a research study about how various life events, including difficult events, impact how children’s brains work and their choices later on. There will be about 60 participants ages 12-17 years in this study. 


For more information, contact or 910-962-2732.

Who Funds This Research?

This research has been supported by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R15 AA028911.

What Will My Child Be Asked to Do?

In this study, you and your child will be asked to answer some questions, do some tasks, and complete some surveys that ask about how your child is doing related to school and in general. This will include some things that your child may be thinking, feeling and doing. We will also ask you and your child about some experiences your child may have had. These surveys and questions ask about information that may be sensitive including, difficult experiences your child may have had, such as a serious car accident, and things your child may have seen or done, such as alcohol use.

If there is anything that your child does not want to do or if there is anything that you do not want answer about your child, just ask to stop or to skip part of the study and you can. It is always okay for you and for your child to ask questions, take a break, or to ask to stop at any time for any reason.

Your child will also be asked to have an EEG, which is electroencephalography. While doing the EEG, your child will just sit and relax for the first part and for the second part, we will ask your child to do some everyday tasks on the computer. The whole EEG will not take longer than 45-minutes. You can be in the room with your child for the whole time and watch everything that is happening.

For more information on EEG, click here!

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